Monday, April 22, 2013


its whats for dinner!

Ok, so dinner wasn't just ham.  It also included biscuits.  And it would have included mashed potatoes, but I vetoed that and substituted baby carrots.

Yes, it was Son 2's week to choose dinner.

Son 2 is probably the biggest fan of my cooking and I love cooking for him.  If he asks me for something, it pretty much guarantees that I will make it.

This probably has something to do with the fact that he was diagnosed with Failure To Thrive at a year old.  You know, left over Mom guilt, but nothing makes me happier than watching him eat.

But I digress, we were talking about dinner, so back to ham.

Actually a Honey Baked Ham, is in my opinion, the most delicious ham around.  Plus, a ham involves no cooking on my part - score!

I also planned ahead, so Thursday's dinner will be the best ever Ham and Bean Soup made with my left overs, stay tuned for the details.

I found these great organic baby carrots at Whole Foods this morning and decided to roast them.  I love roasting veggies, they taste great and nothing could be easier.  I just peeled the carrots, drizzled on some olive oil, sprinkled with salt and roast in a 425 degree oven for about 15 minutes.  Yum!

Ready for the oven

The most anticipated part of the meal were the biscuits.  I used this BHG Buttermilk Biscuit recipe.

Biscuits are super easy to make and those ones that come in the can can't compare to home-made.

First you add all of the dry ingredients and whisk together, then cut in the shortening.  Now lot's of people use food processors for cutting in shortening or butter, but I don't think it turns out as good as when you do it the old fashioned way with a pastry cutter.

Cutting in the shortening

Shortening the size of peas, ready for buttermilk

After the shortening is cut in, make a well in the dry ingredients and add the buttermilk.  Stir this together and when the dough gets to hard to work with a spoon dump it out onto a prepared surface for kneading.

I know that kneading scares people, but it is super easy.  Check out this video if you feel you knead help, knead help, get it??  Ok, bad joke.  Anyhoo..


Mix with a wooden spoon

Kneading the biscuit dough

Once you are all finished kneading, pat or roll the dough out into a rectangle.  Now, you can get all fancy and use a circular cookie cutter to cut out your biscuits, but I just cut mine into squares.  Usually because I'm in a hurry and cutting round biscuits wastes dough.

Ready for cutting

All cut and ready for the oven

Let's bake!  Fresh biscuits in 10 minutes


I serve my biscuits with jelly, lots of jelly.  But they also work well with honey or even Creamed Chicken over the top.


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