Thursday, May 16, 2013

Well, we got trouble..

**Well we got trouble**
**Right here in Rivercity**
**Right here!**
**With a capital T**
**That rhymes with R**

Er, ok so T doesn't actually rhyme with R, but our trouble starts with a capital R and that stands for Raccoon!

I road my bike to drop off this morning and when I turned the corner onto our street I saw a big ole bushy tailed raccoon sauntering across the front of our garage.

I dumped my bike and chased the raccoon into our courtyard.

up he goes

look at that bushy tail!

The raccoon climbed up a large bush, onto our side yard wall and ran into our backyard.

running down the side wall

making a quick getaway

Not to be deterred I ran around the other way, through the house and out into the back yard - gotcha!  The raccoon was walking down our back wall looking for his breakfast - yep our loquat tree.

breakfast awaits

but not today :)

The raccoon spotted me and took off the other way into our neighbors yard.  I've been keeping a watchful eye, but no more wildlife sitings.

Last year we had a raccoon strip our garden almost bare, the biggest loss was the entire crop of peaches.

I'm not sure what we are going to do, but boy we've got trouble.