Sunday, February 3, 2013


..otherwise know as Un-Finished-Objects.  I had quite a pile of unfinished crafty type projects.  Over the Christmas holidays I gave myself permission to get rid of a bunch of UFOs.  I've finally realized that just because I liked something at one point in time doesn't mean:

A. I have to still like it
B. I have to finish making it
C. I need to keep it for some sentimental reason
Girlie vintage style embroidery quilt
So out stuff went.  I kept very few things that I actually cared about/liked enough to finish and these two baby quilts made the cut.  I made these way back when I thought I was actually going to sell stuff on Etsy, never gonna happen.
Boy vintage style embroidered quilt
Anyway, I had already assembled the quilt tops, all that was needed was to "sandwich" the quilt (put some batting and back together with the top), machine quilt it and bind it.  I really love the vintage look of the machine embroidery which is the reason I kept these quilts.
kitten machine embroidery

bunny machine embroidery
I struggle with finishing quilts; preparing the quilt to machine stitch with safety pins really sucks.  It takes a long time and I never get the fabric stretched quite right.  The 505 adhesive spray makes this process fast, easy and has changed my life!  No more pins!  I learned about it on this YouTube video by Patsy Thompson.

With 505 and Patsy's techniques I was finally able to finish the two quilts.  Thank you Patsy!

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