Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Dark Knight Rises..

..or doesn't as the case may be.


So we decided to rent a movie tonight and Nadim chose The Dark Knight Rises.  I have to say that it is one of the absolute worst movies I have seen in a long time.

Worse than when my Mom had my sister and I see Lawrence of Arabia in the theater for the "experience".

Worse even then when I almost fainted during the staple gun scene in the movie The Wrestler.

But I digress, we were talking about the horrible-ness that is The Dark Night Rises.

4 hours of total and complete crap.  Ok, so it was technically 2.75 hours but it sure felt like one whole day of my life got sucked into a vortex never to return.

I don't get movies these days, have all the editors been laid off?

Do the movie budgets no longer include funds for editing?

Movies shouldn't be more than 90 minutes.

Unless its something really, really good like the BBC Pride and Prejudice mini series.  But Batman?

Please, please edit.

Besides the complete lack of editing this film was a kitchen sink.  Every single dumb ass thing they could think of got thrown in:

..nuclear bomb - check

..orphans - check

..budget cuts - check

..fake death - check

..stock market crash - check

..NY City getting destroyed - check

..Prison break - check

..Another prison break - check

..A miraculously healed broken back - check

..A cool motorcycle - check

..Gratuitous sex scene - check

..Giant street brawl - check

..Fake NFL team - check

..Multiple strange masked heroes/villains - check

I mean come on, really, this is the best you've got??

Hasn't Batman been around since the crack of dawn in comic book form and this is it?  This is worthy of a movie??

I won't ever get these wasted hours of my life back.

And you know what makes it even worse?  Nadim fell asleep!  Can you believe it?

I would have turned it off but I wanted to see what Bane's face looked like without his mask and the movie didn't even show it!

Next time, I'll be choosing the movie..

Can anyone say chick flick??

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