Wednesday, January 23, 2013

It's my birthday!

and I'll cry if if want too...  I'm turned 45 yesterday and I really don't know where the time went.  The kids were excited though.  Nadim came home early from work to take me and the family out to dinner before I had to run off to lead a Cub Scout Den meeting, what a great husband!

I realized after I dropped the kids off at school, that if I wanted a birthday cake I was going to have to make it myself.  So that got me thinking about birthdays growing up and how my Mom would always make us the cake of our choice.  Then I remembered my favorite chocolate cake I had when I was younger called "Feathery Fudge Cake".  I thought the recipe was in my 1970's era Betty Crocker but it wasn't.  I vaguely remember it being a Better Homes and Garden recipe, but then I realized that alas, I got rid of my old BHG cookbook in the great new year clean out, so off to the internet I went.

I found 2 Feathery Fudge Cake recipes and this is the one I remember from my youth:

I frosted the cake with my favorite frosting recipe here from Betty Crocker.  In my cookbook there is a version of the recipe that yields a little more frosting, I usually use that.

Anyway, you can see from the picture above that the cake is already half gone.  Nadim and all three kids took some for their lunch today. The flowers are from my lovely husband and my folks.  Here's to another year!

1 comment:

  1. I checked in my old Better Homes and Gardens Cook Book and that is the exact recipe I used to make for you. That sure does bring back lots of great memories. I love the picture of the cake and the flowers. The flowers are beautiful. Mom
