Thursday, May 2, 2013



Actually I should call it a "hang out" as Son 1 and Son 2 get insulted when I call having friends over a play date.

Yesterday I had 3 kids over for a hangout, one for each Kurani kid.

For a special treat I made Snickerdoodles for snack.

I have a bit of a reputation to uphold with the local kids and treats, so I had to represent :)

Snickerdoodles are one of our favorite cookies and are super easy to make.  No chilling required.

My go to Snickerdoodle recipe is this one from Betty Crocker.

My cookbook says this should make 6 dozen cookies, but I used my 1 oz scoop and made 40 bigger cookies.  I baked the cookies for 9 minutes so the center stayed soft.

This recipe has a very basic preparation - cream together the butter, shortening, eggs and sugar.  I used my electric mixer, but you could use a wooden spoon if you wanted an arm work out.

Wet ingredients ready for mixing

Wet ingredients ready for the flour mixture

Once the sugar mixture is together, add the dry ingredients.  Be careful not to add the extra cinnamon and 1/4 cup of sugar into the cookie dough.  The ingredient section in the recipe is not very clearly marked, so double check.  Back when I taught Home Ec I could always tell which students actually read the recipe completely by who had cinnamon in their cookies versus on the outside.

Cookie dough ready for action!

Once the dough is all mixed together you are ready to make some cookies.  If yesterday hadn't been a playdate hang out I would have frozen half the dough for later.  But since I had so many kids over I went ahead and baked off all the cookies.

1 oz raw cookies rolled in cinnamon/sugar
Ready for the oven

Snack time!

Snack time!  The kids were waiting at the table for their cookies and probably ate about 4 each.  That counts as a hit in my book.

Plus I got to send them home all sugared up :)


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