Monday, May 27, 2013

Un - volunteering..

.. has been derailed.

Well sort of.

To clear things up, I've written and re-written this entry three times.

The first was about how shocked I was that none of my friends believed that I was actually going to stop volunteering working for free.

Then I wrote abut how I was saying "no" to things.  I made a big list of what I had declined to do and included updates on what was happening in all my groups.

Then life happened.  You know the saying about best laid plans? Well, that's what happened to me last week.

My plans got derailed when I got an email from the kids' Principal saying that she is resigning.  The principal is new, I was on the committee that interviewed her just last summer. (Yes, that committee was another volunteer job.)

Now we are going to get another new Principal and I'm going to have to build a relationship with this person.

And really, building relationships is why I volunteer,

So that leaves me, stuck between a rock and a hard place.

So this past week, I've thought about things, tried really hard to do one thing but have ended up doing the exact opposite.

Of course my husband saw this coming.

There was a reason he kept saying to me, "Whatever you do, don't even think about being PTA President."

Because he knew I was thinking about it.


I've decided to do it.

So where, does that leave me?

Well, Cub Scouts is on a roll.  Everyone is pitching in and I've filled the other parent volunteer positions.

Of course that means I'm pretty much committed to my current Committee Chair position for the next two years, but honestly Cub Scouts is a pleasure to run, no complainers :)

My Adventure Maiden position will naturally run its course on June 1st.  I'll still be around but I won't be in pole position.

So that leaves my volunteer hours at school which are going to have to be cut back -

Way, way back.

But of course I've said I was cutting back before and look where that got me :)

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